The Greek public debt management agency said in a statement that Athens does not contemplate the availability of funds to pay private investors who hold on to their bonds once the restructuring occurs. 希腊公共债务管理机构在一份声明中表示,债务重组开始之后,希腊政府不认为会有资金偿付那些不参加债务重组的债券持有人。
In their statement announcing the shutdown, Hindustan Motors cited a lack of demand for the Ambassador and a shortage of funds, as well as growing indiscipline among factory workers at the West Bengal plant. 在宣布停产的声明中,印度斯坦汽车公司给出的理由是需求不足和资金短缺,以及西孟加拉邦工厂的工人越来越缺乏纪律性。
Statement on sources of the funds, and Letter of Undertaking promising not to withdraw funds during the approved period; (五)资金来源说明书及批准时间内不撤资承诺函;
Budget statement of contest funds including such matters as revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds, profit distribution and share of responsibility for losses; 竞赛经费的预算报告,包括竞赛的经费收支预算、盈利分配方法和亏损分担责任等事项;
In a statement abcap, which manages more than 3bn for investors, said most of the equity funds Mr HOMM had managed were mispriced. abcap在一份声明中表示,霍姆管理的大多数股票型基金定价有误。
Statement of mercantile funds and application statement of sources and uses of working capital 商业资金及其运用表流动资本来源及用途表
Statement of the sources and uses of funds; 资源来和用途表;
Consolidated statement of source and use of funds 合并资金来源与运用表
Then we will appraisal comprehensively the statement of every fund and impaction of every factor on performance of the funds. 综合评价各基金运营状况以及各因素对基金绩效的影响。
Harmony Statement Several Suggestions to Improve and Perfect the Compilation of National Economic Accounting Funds Flow Statement 关于改进和完善国民经济核算资金流量表编制的若干建议
First of all, this paper gives a comprehensive statement about the theory of the credit funds allocation. 首先对信贷资金配置的理论进行综述。